With all the testing, treatments, etc nothing was worse than having my braces removed. The dr. wanted them removed to minimize the chances of infection, given that they are more difficult to brush and floss. Before they began the first "mini" round, 2 dentists from the dental school came to remove them. Of course there is no dental equipment here, nor did they bring any except for the dental "pliers" and picks. Needless to say, it hurt a lot, but was only about 15-20 mins. Of course with no equipment, there is still a little cement on my teeth that will need to be removed once I go home.
New Do -
My great hairdresser, Lisa, was gracious enough to come see me and bring her scissors. She cut my hair into the cutest little A-line style, which I had been talking about doing anyway, this just made the decision much easier. We were also able to save my ponytail, whick I will be donating to Locks of Love .
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Kaitlin's new "Do" with her friend Mackenzie |
As I leave tomorrow for a great trip with Uncle Bobby, I am having a hard time leaving.
I know you and I play around a lot and most of the time are smart asses to each other. I think we carrier the same gene of dealing with stuff.
So before I leave I needed to say a couple of words. I remember when you where (one)1 and I lived with you for a year and a half. Mom and Dad just had Maddie and you seemed to be ok with the new addition. You soon to began with Night Terrors, Auntie came and got you every night and you ending up sleeping with me every night. For me is was a treat and at that point we started this special bond. I love you more then words can say.
You have turned into this increditable girl. Your widom of life and how people work is amazing. You have made some wonderful friendship that will last a lifetime.I was fortunate by having wonderful friends early in my life, but you are seeing their true colors early and it is priceless, please see that this is a special thing. YOU ARE LOVED BY SO MANY!!!!
I am so proud of you and so excitied everything is going so well.
I will be looking for a cool hat in Europe for you :)
Love You so VERY much
Auntie JOJO
My sweet Kaitlin,
I miss seeing you so much! You better know that I am praying for you and sending you lots of loving thoughts! I am praying that God will give you strength everyday!
Love your new look!!! We prayed for you tonight in our last small group and all of us (even all the boys) said they were thinking and praying for you!!! How awesome is that!!!
Okay..my sweet friend! May God bless you!
You look adorable!! I donated my hair 3 years ago and I did not look so cute! Love with Purple and Gold Pride Girlie!!!! Marti
Kaitlin...I'm here at Amador!!! You are a true DON!!! I found this and thought of you...
"We are familiar with the stories of the risen Lord appearing to his followers, making them living witnesses to the Resurrection. But Paul's testimony might touch our own experience. Maybe we didn't experience visions as the first apostles did, but still we are witnesses to the Resurrection. Take a moment to remember times when you, too, have been utterly convinced of the power of the risen Jesus because it has broken forth in some personal way in your own life, bringing you to new growth and empowerment!" Margaret Silf
You go girl!!!
You a fighter. I hope you get though this as I know you will. Hope to see you around church soon.You and you hole family are in my prayers. Stephen Lowry
You’re are a gorgeous, courageous young woman – that’s a matter of fact that no one can deny!! I absolutely LOVE the new hair – but you’d be beautiful no matter the cut!!!
But honestly, your true beauty comes from the spirit & drive you’re putting forward in this fight!! I’ve talked to so many of your ‘adult’ friends & family and we all couldn’t be more proud of your resilience and the way you’ve just put your strongest YOU forward to kick this thing’s bum! :-)
Keep up the fight knowing that beyond your dearest friends & family, even your extended, extended friends are behind you 2000%!! We look forward to more updates here on your blog.
Best wishes & prayers, strong young lady!!
Jenn, Wade, Mason & Cole Bartolo
Hi Kaitlin!
Wendy and I wanted you to know that we're both thinking about you and sending positive energy your way! I have a surprise for you. I'll send you a picture of it very soon. Your hair looks great! It's awesome to hear that the staff and facilities at UCSF are really nice. Sounds like you have an angel watching over you. You're amazing!
Sweet Kaitlin!!!
You look strong and beautiful! Our thoughts are with you everyday. Your spirit is amazing and I admire your courage. After all your auntie JoJo put it best "she's a Gallagher of course she's strong!" Love you and your entire family very much!!
If you have any special requests let me know I'd love to come visit!
Katy, Kevin and baby Chase
Hi Katlin
I hope you are feeling better, you are a strong girl and you will get through it just fine. Our prayers will be with you from the Stoker family.
You are such an inspiration.
Believe me when I say that all of us, young and old, truly admire and look up to you for your outlook, attitude, and courage.
You're a special person and I cannot wait to get my daily update from your parents this evening. I know that I'm driving your father nuts. :-)
You're constantly in our thoughts and prayers and we will see you soon.
Much love and support,
Joey and Jen Parlett
love you kk and im so appy that you finished this! but you have a speel check error :) oh well cant wait to see you i love you sosoososossoso much!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! 8i hope you come home soon <3
Your a special young lady. That you have made a sure mark in their lives. We are all praying that you will be better and that you keep the strength of fight "Lucky Mia".
I will visit your blog to keep up with your day to day. Always SMILE! Remember that Espirto Santo is with you always.
God Bless You!
Helda Furtado
Can't wait for you to come home today. Remember Papa said, whatever you want you can have. I am so proud being your grandfather and watching my beautiful girl showing the "Gallagher" spirit.
Love Papa Tom
Hi Kaitlin,
It's Grace's friend Katie and I hope you get better!! My whole family is praying for you. Btw I luv your haircut! It is soo cute!!
hope u get better!!
-Katie Judson
Hi Kaitlin
Like Katie I'm also Grace's friend. From what I have read you seem like a very strong girl! Their are a lot of people out their who are praying for you. My mom goes to church with your Grandpa and they always say prayers for you. Stay Strong!
-Sadie Grozier
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