"Life isn't about waiting for the storm to pass,

It's about learning how to dance in the rain."

Vivien Greene

Monday, May 2, 2011

Why "Lucky Mia"?

When I was first diagnosed with Leukemia and my dad told my brother Timmy (9) and my sister Maddie (14), he came up with the term "Lucky Mia" so that Timmy could more easily remember the diagnosis.  It also was a much more positive term that leukemia was.  Since that day it has stuck within our family.  Mia can also be translated to "my" in Italian.  Given the prognosis and the great doctors, I am fortunate to be able to fight this, making me Lucky.


Robin said...


Laurie Jackson said...

Love it! That's very clever. Hugs to you, Kaitlin!

Anonymous said...

=) this made me smile.. your love and your will is amazing.. Lord Bless you and prayers are with you!

shania said...

have you volunteered before in the tuesday children's sunday school i remember seeing you come into the "purple" room,
11/13/11 did you reach home yet?

and hope you feel better