"Life isn't about waiting for the storm to pass,

It's about learning how to dance in the rain."

Vivien Greene

Friday, June 3, 2011

A fun week at home filled with Great News!

I was home for an eventful week.  On Memorial Day, Rockin Jump hosted a fundraiser that had been organized by Christine Hoopes with lots of help from Alexis, Cody and my other friends.  It was a day filled with family and friends and lots of jumping, not to mention feathers, raffle, and bbq... Many thanks to all who helped make this happen and who worked all day.  Even my mom now has feathers in her hair.  My counts were up and I was able to hang out for several hours with my friends, just no jumping for me.

On Tuesday, I had a PET/CT scan (fancy xray) done of my entire body to determine how much cancer was left.  Also, same day I had a bone marrow biopsy to check for cancer in my bone marrow.  The results were excellent.  The cancer is at least 95% gone.  Further tests are being run on the bone marrow to determine if it's closer to 100%. YAHOO!! the chemo is working beautifully!
Blood counts were still too low on Tuesday so I got to go home for a few more days.

My mom trying to be funny by flashing her camera at me
in the dark while I was sleeping
7am appt for my PET scan, but the IV went in great!

Thursday I visited Mr. Palassou's 5th grade class and answered the kid's questions, had lunch at the Farmer, before it closes, and hung out with Papa and Nana for the afternoon.  It was also yearbook day.  Alexis brought home my yearbook and I hung out at her house with Alyssa, Raymond, and Steven.  Great catching up with the Bonita group.
My 5th grade teacher, Mr. Palassou's class
Is that only 1 Foothill (Raymond) vs 4 Amador (Alexis, Alyssa, Me, Steven)??

It's Friday and I'm back in the hospital for Round 4.  Port access was a success.  Nurse Robin is a rockstar!  Should be home on Wednesday, just in time for Maddie's 8th grade promotion on Thursday.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

yay!!! :) That's so wonderful to hear!