"Life isn't about waiting for the storm to pass,

It's about learning how to dance in the rain."

Vivien Greene

Thursday, June 30, 2011

Gallagherland at it's best - Maddie and Biz finish middle school and VBS

So I did make it home for my sister Maddie's (and my cousin Elizabeth) promotion from middle school on June 10th.  They looked beautiful.  Of course my parents didn't let me go to the actual ceremony as there were just way too many people there.  However afterwards I did join the family at Blue Agave for the celebration.
Many congrats to Maddie & Elizabeth!!
June is also VBS month at our church, from June 26th - July 1st, the hall was transformed into Pandamania!
This is always a highlight for the Gallagher family.  Because I had to come back for round #5 on Tuesday, I was only able to help over the weekend (with some painting/decorating) and on Monday (the first day).  I had a great time and loved seeing all the kids come back.  My uncle Mike (Mr. Ay Lee Lu), who is the VBS director, had all 550 kids, 200+ teens and adult volunteers bless me on that Monday.  What an amazing sight.  In addition, I was presented with almost 1000 japanese cranes, whom Morgan Ingram has been collecting from the community.  She conceived the idea and communicated it to the schools, friends and churchs.  She has since been collecting and stringing hundred of them.  Many have written messages that I will open and read after VBS.  The idea is that folding a 1000 paper cranes will make your wish come true.
Thank you Morgan!
VBS stage with a real tree house and a working waterfall!
AMAZING job by Lorraine, Scott, my dad and others who
made it happen.

Yes that is a working bulldozer made from a recycled golf cart.  My job to paint Tonka on the side.
My nana and auntie JoJo

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