"Life isn't about waiting for the storm to pass,

It's about learning how to dance in the rain."

Vivien Greene

Thursday, June 30, 2011

Blood, Platletts, and Counts

June was definitely action packed.  I completed round #4 and came home on June 9.  Promotion was the next day.  It took a few days for my blood counts to drop, but once they did, they really dropped.  This entailed a visit to UCSF for a blood and platlett refill (transfusion).  We were here for a few hours and then got to go home.  I guess the fainting spell (with a bruised chin and skinned knee) the day before should of been a sign... lesson learned :)  Bloodwork was more than usual, with draws 2x week and then five consecutive days one week.  Not a big deal, but during the week the local lab is open, on Saturday it's a 15 min drive to Danville and on Sunday, an add'l 15 min to Walnut Creek.  Scary thing is that the technicians now know me regardless of where I go to have blood drawn.
My counts did recover beautifully before round #5 began on 6/28.  I am back at UCSF and will be doing the same exact treatment as I did during round #4.  5 days of 20hrs of chemo.  No body should ever have to take this much chemo...  but I tolerate it relatively well and try to sleep thru it.  Port is great and was accessed with no issues.  YEAH!

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