"Life isn't about waiting for the storm to pass,

It's about learning how to dance in the rain."

Vivien Greene

Friday, July 15, 2011

I have turned the corner

Today is definitely better than yesterday.  I still have a way to go to be completely healthy, but have turned the corner.  Today they have me on some oxygen and I had a CT scan done of my chest.  Yes, I am wearing an "old grandpa" tube up my nose for the oxygen.  The doctors wanted to rule out a secondary infection.  No additional infection, but I did have a small case of pneumonia.  Because my white blood cells are climbing back to normal at the same time, they too want to attack bacteria in my body.  But it makes the "pneumonia" inflammation look worse that it is.  Oxygen does wonders.  My heartrate and blood pressure are getting back to normal.  I still have a little cough, but that too is better.  Well on the road to recovery.

"Time to pretend I am dead..."  Ok, I can't be that bad.  My nurse comes in and says they are testing their pagers.  She asked if I could help and hold my breath (not until I pass out) until my monitor begins beeping and is supposed to page her.  Couldn't make it happen, so we just unattached a couple of the wires from my body and bingo, it worked, monitor went crazy.

More updates tomorrow...

1 comment:

Lauren Bayly said...

Kaitlin you are so strong! Your story has touched a lot of people that you don't even know, Amador graduates have been reading your blog and we are all inspired! Keep your spirit up, and we will keep praying!