"Life isn't about waiting for the storm to pass,

It's about learning how to dance in the rain."

Vivien Greene

Thursday, July 14, 2011

Lucky Mia Bingo Sunday!

On Sunday the 10th, the SDES Portuguese Hall hosted a Bingo as a fundraiser for me.  It was a great day! My parents told me all about it.  I was not able to attend as my blood counts were low and you have to be 18 in order to play or even being on the floor once the event begins.  The event included a bbq chicken lunch and serious bingo playing all afternoon with many great prizes.  Fun was had by all.  Many thanks to all who made this happen for me, but especially Frank & Amelia Martins and Gil & Mary Lima.  I love you all!
Thank you also to everyone who attended!


Amelia Martins said...

You are very welcome. We were glad to do it. You so deserve anything we can do for you. I am so glad you are feeling better. Think of you often and miss seeing your beautiful smile. Keep up the positive attitude. I enjoy reading your blog. You will probably be a famous writer and we will all have to pay to read whatever you write. Love, Amelia

Cathy and Kim said...

We had such a great time at the barbecue g

Cathy and Kim said...

sorry, didn't finish my comment before I sent it. We enjoyed so much meeting everyone and Lucy's parents did the best job. What a fun day. Hang in there Kaitlin, better times are ahead.

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