"Life isn't about waiting for the storm to pass,

It's about learning how to dance in the rain."

Vivien Greene

Sunday, July 17, 2011

Sooooo much better today :)

I woke up feeling soooo much better today.  I am still on antibiotics, but am down to 2 from 4 earlier in the week.  I am no longer on heartrate, oxygen, and respitory monitoring - all have been within the normal range for the last day or so.  I even got a shower for the first time in a week.  On Monday I should find out more about when I will be able to go home and whether I will need to continue my meds there...  yes, thru the tubes.

Nothing much else going on, lots of TV and scrabble on the IPad with my mom.  Timmy played in a soccer tournament, for charity, in Dublin today and my dad got to coach his team.

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